There are various reasons you could be having audio issues. The most common is Windows, Dell and Chrome updates that need to be installed. Not having these will cause C3, C3PO and other sites to be unable to communicate correctly with your computer. A second common reason is internet issues. If you are are being told that your voice sounds robotic, this is most likely the cause. The best way to resolve these is to reset your modem and router by turning them off for 30 seconds. Another thing you can do is make sure you are connected via Ethernet instead of wi-fi. If these steps do not solve the issue, you can also check to make sure your headset is the default sound device and other devices are disabled (steps to do this are included below). Finally, if this still does not solve the issue, run through the steps in our Zendesk article: How To Fix C3 / C3PO Microphone Errors.
Confirm Headset is the Default Sound Device and Disable Other Devices:
Right click on the sound icon.
Select "Open Sound settings."
Click on "Sound Control Panel." If you do not see it maximize the window and it will pop up on the right.
On the Playback tab, Check to make sure your headset is listed as the "Default Device" If it is not, select it and click on the button that says "Set Default"
Then click on the Recording tab (located to the right of the Playback tab at the top) and make sure your Headset mic is set to default as well.
NOTE: The picture below shows Headphones as an example of the default device but on your computer it is your Headset that you want to make the default.
You also want to disable all other devices other than your headset in the Playback and Recording tabs. If a device other than your headset is enabled, right click on it and select "Disable."
NOTE: Again, the picture below shows Headphones as the example, but on your computer it is your Headset that you want to be the only device enabled.
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